
When brewing coffee the way that makes your cup of coffee classy, there are several factors you need to take into account. Coffee beans, roasting, water quality and water temperature. The latter is perhaps one of them, many skipper. Boiled water is boiled water, right? And yes, it is. It’s just not that simple, it all hangs together when you brew coffee.

What is temperature?

When brewing coffee, the temperature of the water must be in a specific range. The water must not be too hot, as you risk “burning” your coffee beans, which damages the flavours and notes. A rule of thumb is that the temperature of the water should be between 92-96 degrees. And yet it varies slightly depending on the method you brew and your own preferences.

It’s clearly easiest to control the water temperature when brewing with manual methods such as AeroPress, piston coffee and pour-over coffee. Let’s face it: your Moccamaster or Nespresso machine runs the show, and that’s fine when you want to get things done quickly – but there are still great-tasting results to be had when you brew manually with tempered water.

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