
When you read up on coffee roasting, you come across the terms first crack and second crack. On this page you will learn about the second crack that happens when you roast dark.

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What is second crack?

Second crack is the second pop that takes place when you roast coffee beans. It’s around second crack that the coffee oil really starts to find the surface of the coffee beans. The second pop takes place at dark roasted coffee.

If you roast much longer than second crack, the heat level in the coffee beans is getting so high that you risk them charring on the inside. French roast and Italian roast are two types of roasting where you pass the second crack.


Når du læser nærmere på kafferistning, støder du på udtrykket first crack og second crack. Her på siden bliver du klogere på second crack, der sker, når du rister mørkt.

 Læs også:

Hvad er second crack? 

Second crack er andet pop, der finder sted, når du rister kaffebønner. Det er omkring second crack, at kaffeolien for alvor begynder at finde kaffebønnernes overflade. Det andet pop finder sted ved mørkristet kaffe.

Hvis man rister meget længere end second crack er varmeniveauet i kaffebønnerne ved at være så højt, at man risikerer, at de forkuller indvendigt. French roast og italian roast er to typer af ristning, hvor man passerer second crack.


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