Latte macchiato is another coffee with milk in the range of different types that are similar, yet so different in both taste and texture.
Latte macchiato is for those who prefer their coffee both creamy and milky.
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What is latte macchiato?
Latte in Italian means milk, and macchiato means to “mark” or “stain” something. And that’s actually what you do when you make a latte macchiato. You heat and froth milk in a milk jug, and pour the milk into a glass. Then “mark” the milk by pouring the espresso shot into the glass.
A latte macchiato is made with equal parts espresso, hot milk and milk foam. It can be recognised by the three parts that separate in the glass when the espresso hits the milk. You may have seen a classic coffee poster at your local coffee shop, or maybe just on Pinterest, where a graphic designer has got creative and visualised different types of coffee. Here, the latte macchiato is easily recognisable as a long glass with three distinct parts:
– Skimmed milk on top
– espresso
– Warm milk
How to froth milk for your latte macchiato
When you need to froth milk for your coffee, in this case for your latte macchiato, you can actually use whatever milk you prefer. However, you should be aware that fat milk tends to be creamier and richer, whereas lighter milk foams more.