You’ve probably heard the name before: Arabica. Arabica is one of the world’s most popular coffee beans, which we’ll tell you more about here. It’s not a bad idea to have some good knowledge about this particular coffee bean, which is a world-famous one.
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What is Arabica?
Arabica is a variety of coffee tree that originated in Ethiopia. The flavour of Arabica beans is a type with greater variability and more nuances of flavour.
Where does Arabica grow?
Arabica coffee plants grow best in mountainous climates. The plants require a temperature of 15-25°C and grow between 2.5 and 4.5 metres tall. Aribaca is a fragile plant that requires soil with a low pH and light shade around it.
Due to the fragility of the Arabica plant, this variety is more expensive to produce as it yields less coffee per hectare compared to Robusta, for example. A healthy Arabica tree produces about one to five kg of coffee beans a season, when you normally need five to six kg of coffee berries to produce one kg of coffee.
Arabica beans are grown on plantations in Ethiopia, Latin America, Brazil, Indonesia and Columbia, and account for around 60-70% of world production.
What is the difference between Arabica and Robusta?
Let us give you four different ones on Arabica and Robusta that will help you know the difference between the two beans:
- Arabica is sweet and mild. Robusta is sharp and strong.
- Robusta contains twice as much caffeine as Arabica
- Robust beans are cheaper than Arabica beans